This is a page to share with you all what we are going through right now; what we are learning, and what we are struggling through, in hopes that we can inspire some of you to research new ways to work through the issues in your own lives.  

Riley Has Cancer

Posted by Amanda Beasley on Monday, August 31, 2009
May 1, 2009

We found out April 22, 2009 that Riley (my 3 1/2 yr old boxer) had cancer. We were told that since it was "stage 1", we had "the most favorable prognosis".... but what the heck does that really mean? If any of you have had this, or similar news from your vetrinarian, you know just how scary that unknown factor is. Once I spent an innoridinate amount of time on the internet researching  what our type of cancer meant, what the statistics were for us, and found out that there ARE things we can do NATURALLY to fight off this cancer, I felt MUCH better. I ordered the book Curing Canine Cancer: Natural Cancer Treatments That Work, by Ted SchneckIt is downloadable, so I was able to get to reading that night, which was huge.  It has an all raw diet, with lots of herbal supplements as its main way to fight the cancer; basically you are doing everything in your power to make your dog's immune system as strong as it possibly can be, so that he/she can fight off the cancer they way healthy bodies do.

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